Is your business struggling to control unemployment insurance within your company? An employer is required to pay a percentage of the wages of every person they employe. The percentage may vary between each employee, from 0.55% to 7.75% which equals out to $71.28 to $1,004.40 for each employee. As an employer, you may be wondering how to determine the amount per employee that you must pay. This can be determined by the number of employees claiming benefits
Do not worry any longer because our associates at Maduff & Maduff are here to guide with the following tips to limit your risk:
Employee Manual: Like any other company, an employer should have a customized employee manual containing all rules, policies, and consequences if any of the rules are broken. If an employee violates one of the rules, they should be handled with what the employee manual states. It is required by state that the employee is fully aware of the rule they have broken beforehand, suggesting every employee should sign off on a document when they begin.
Job Descriptions: It is important to provide every newcomer of your business their job description. This will make them aware of what you and your company expects out of them while they work.
Violations: If one of your employees violates a rule or policy in your employee manual, it should be dealt with what the rule says directly. In addition, the violation should be documented in the employee’s file if there were to be any further problems with this specific worker. If the employee continues this inappropriate behavior or action, this may lead to a violation under the Unemployment Insurance Act, which will cause immediate termination in many cases.
Awareness of Employee: Whether you are giving an employee a manual, a job description, or a warning, it is essential to always document each time this happens. This will guarantee a paper trail if a further complication comes up. This also will ensure that the employee has acknowledged a rule even if they do not agree to the terms in the document.
For more information or to receive help with any of your employment law issues, contact Maduff & Maduff today.