When it comes to receiving your earned pay, nothing is more important than understanding when and how you will be receiving your wage payments from your employer.
You Must Receive Wage Payments Twice A Month
Most employers pay their employees their earned wages biweekly, with the law requiring them to do so, at least twice a month. However, there are exceptions to this rule. For example, if you are an executive, administrative and professional employees, as defined in the Fair Labor Standards Act, you may be paid only once a month.
If you are an employee that earns commission, the law also requires that the commissioned employee should be paid their commission once a month, as well.
If you are an employee that has been employed by an employment or labor placement agency, and you earn your wage payments daily, you may request in that your wages be paid either weekly or twice per month.
The Ways You Must Be Paid Your Wage Payments
Some employers will offer a couple of different methods in which you can receive your wage payments, including the following methods:
- Cash
- Check- A check must be readily available to the employee upon their pay date, redeemable at any bank or other financial institution.
- Direct Deposit- You must have a specific financial institution designated for your direct deposit, providing your employer with that information
What Happens If My Employment Is Terminated?
If your employment has been terminated, due to lay-offs or involuntary discharge, or you terminated your employment by voluntarily resigning, your employer must pay you all of your wages due by the next regularly scheduled payday. You may request in writing that your final wages be paid by check and mailed directly to you.
It is important to know your rights, especially when it comes to your wages and payments. If you have any questions, or need help, contact the employment attorneys at Maduff & Maduff today.