Wage theft has become a common problem for employees, especially for service and low-income ones, these days. From failure to receive rightfully earned overtime pay, receiving incorrect pay, or even not receiving pay at all, there are many ways employees are experiencing wage theft in today’s workplace. Recognizing Wage Theft Wage theft is defined as the illegal withholdings of wages, or the […]
When it comes to understanding the complexities of wage and hour laws, people are often left with a variety of questions. In order to provide clarification, the employment attorneys at Maduff & Maduff want to share with you the most common wage and hour questions, and their answers. What are the wage and hour laws? The Fair Labor […]
In order to establish a national minimum wage as well as other labor laws, The Fair Labor Standards Act was passed in 1938. This act not only guaranteed things like overtime to qualified employees and the 40-hour workweek, but also prevent the employment of minors in “oppressive child labor”. Minimum Wage & Overtime The Fair Labor Standards Act requires that […]
Employment laws protect employees from having their employment rights violated. From discrimination to harassment, to the payment of wages, there are many ways an employee’s rights can be taken from them, with the most common being wage and overtime theft. Some people, however, may not recognize when these violations occur to them. In order to […]
When it comes to receiving your earned pay, nothing is more important than understanding when and how you will be receiving your wage payments from your employer. You Must Receive Wage Payments Twice A Month Most employers pay their employees their earned wages biweekly, with the law requiring them to do so, at least twice a month. However, […]
Generally, if an employee experiences a violation of their rights or feel something is missing from their wages, they have the ability to file a complaint to their employer. However, some employees are hesitant to follow through with this because employer retaliation may possibly occur. It is essential to file a complaint if you feel […]
Although it may not seem like a big issue to some, wage theft is the most common employment violation that occurs in the workplace across the nation. There are laws set in place in the state of Illinois to ensure employers do not take advantage of their employees, one being wages. It is required for […]
Although there are endless amounts of employees who are tipped on a monthly basis, many do not understand tipping laws and how they can protect them. the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) specifically provides a section entitled for employees to be protected if they are tipped more than 30 dollars a month. We here at […]
Wage theft is one of the highest occuring issues that exist in the workplace for workers across the country. Wage theft takes place when an employee does not receive a portion of their wages or any at all. Acknowledging Wage Theft Wage theft occurs when an employer does not pay their employee the correct amount […]
Many people confuse or do not fully understand how overtime pay works, often making who is and who is not eligible to receive overtime pay the biggest confusion of them all. And, since overtime laws are set by the U.S. Department of Labor, requiring that employees meet a certain set of requirements to qualify, it is critical that employees understand where […]