In order to establish a national minimum wage as well as other labor laws, The Fair Labor Standards Act was passed in 1938. This act not only guaranteed things like overtime to qualified employees and the 40-hour workweek, but also prevent the employment of minors in “oppressive child labor”. Minimum Wage & Overtime The Fair Labor Standards Act requires that […]
This entry was Posted in Employment Attorney, Employment Contracts, Employment Law, Employment Rights, FLSA, Wage and Hour, Wage Laws, Wage Payments, WagesTagged bing, employment attorney, employment laws, employment lawyer, FLSA, google, labor laws, overtime, overtime attorney, overtime laws, overtime lawyer, wage and hour, wage and overtime, wage laws, wage theft, wages, yahoo on July 27, 2018
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When it comes to receiving your earned pay, nothing is more important than understanding when and how you will be receiving your wage payments from your employer. You Must Receive Wage Payments Twice A Month Most employers pay their employees their earned wages biweekly, with the law requiring them to do so, at least twice a month. However, […]
This entry was Posted in Employment Law, Employment Laws, Employment Lawyer, Employment Rights, Wage and Hour, Wage Laws, Wage Payments, Wage Theft, WagesTagged attorney, employment attorney, employment lawyer, lawyer, w, wage, wage and hour, wage and overtime, wage laws, wage payments, wages on June 1, 2018
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Sometimes employees, and even employers, forget what the appropriate behavior for work is, and end up saying or doing something during work hours that can land them in a lot of trouble. This is why it is critical that you understand employment laws and what is acceptable behavior at work. It is also important to recognize when you […]
This entry was Posted in Discrimination, Employment Law, Employment Law Violations, Employment Laws, Employment Rights, Harassment, Overtime, Sexual Harassment, Wage and Hour, Wage Theft, Wrongful TerminationTagged bing, Discrimination, employee issues, employer issues, employment attorney, Employment Law, employment lawyer, google, harassment, hiring an employment lawyer, retaliation, wage and overtime, yahoo on March 18, 2016
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It is important to know whom you can turn to and trust in the event your employment rights have been violated, especially when you have taken the appropriate steps to handle your concern but have not been taken seriously. It is often during these occasions in which employees will ignore their concerns simply because they […]
This entry was Posted in Civil Rights, Discrimination, Employer Retaliation, Employment Discrimination, Employment Law, Employment Law Violations, Employment Laws, Family and Medical Leave, Overtime, Sexual Harassment, Wage and Hour, Wage Theft, Wrongful TerminationTagged bing, civil rights, employee protection laws, employee rights, employer issues, employer retaliation, employment attorney, employment discrimination, Employment Law, employment lawyer, google, hiring an employment lawyer, Sexual Harassment, wage and overtime, workplace discrimination, Wrongful Termination, yahoo on October 5, 2015
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