Employment attorneys specialize in representing employees in contract negotiations, as well as workplace violations. These violations may be issues such as workplace discrimination, sexual harassment, overtime or wage theft, as well as civil rights violations. While most people will not need the assistance of an employment attorney, there may be some occasions in which you may need one.
In the event that you have a valid complaint, it is important to know how to file an official complaint, who to file one with, as well as any deadlines you may be required to meet. Employment attorneys are well versed in this information, and can help you to ensure that you are following the correct protocols.
Employment attorneys also specialize in all things that have to do with employment law. This means that there may be certain laws that you may not be familiar with. This also means that they can clear up any confusion in regards to a law that you may have questions about.
Employment attorneys can help to represent you in the event that you are negotiating a contract, such as an employment contract, a severance agreement, or a non-compete agreement. It is advisable that you speak with an employment attorney, especially before signing a severance agreement. Employment attorneys can ensure that your rights are not being violated, as well as ensure that you are getting the wages that are due to you.
Any concern that an employee may have should always be taken seriously. If you have addressed your concerns with your employer and have taken the correct steps in taking care of your concern, but you are not being taken seriously, then it may be time to speak with an employment attorney.
The employment attorneys at Maduff & Maduff have been specializing in employment law and civil rights cases for more than 20 years. If you are experiencing an employment law issue, contact us to see how we can help to handle your case today.