When it comes to conflicts in the workplace, many employees find themselves too afraid to file a complaint or speak with their Human Resources representative, especially when the complaint is against his or her direct supervisor. While not all workplace conflicts or situations may call for the need to file a formal complaint, there are several circumstances […]
Employees should not have to feel uncomfortable or avoid certain situations or people in the workplace because of sexual advances. Sexual harassment happens more often than we think, and it is a situation that should be taken seriously. Sexual harassment comes in a variety of different forms and identifying it is not always easy. These […]
If you feel that your employment law rights have been violated, it is important to know who you can turn to for proper help. Employment law issues typically happen in an event where the employer does not resolve any problem or concern an employee may have. In addition, some employees are not aware that their […]
Reporting an act of sexual harassment at work is scary, particularly because of fears of retaliation. Complicating matters many victims believe they will be called a “liar” and looked down upon. Worse there is always a concern that a complaint will impact a victim’s ability to “move up” in the business. However, no matter your […]
While many employers are not aware that they are breaking any laws, there are many federal employment laws that are put in place in order to protect their employees. It is critical for employers to ensure that they are providing a safe work environment for each and every one of their employees. Here are the two most common […]
Although it may seem disturbing, but sexual harassment does happen often at workplaces. It may feel even scarier when you are the one who is being sexually harassed and you don’t know what to do. Generally, employers are hesitant and fearful of losing their position or moving up in the business if they file a […]
In the workplace, sexual harassment should not exist at all, employers are entitled to ensure all employees are free from it. However, sexual harassment cases do occur in the workplace more frequently than you would think. Many people do not understand the warning signs of sexual harassment in the workplace. Maduff & Maduff has some […]
Starting all the back in the early 1980s, producer Harvey Weinstein has had sexual harassment allegations against him from several different interns and famous actresses. The successful producer has been the harasser in 60 known cases of sexual harassment with various women. A case dating back to 1984, aspiring actress Tomi-Ann Roberts was a college student when […]
Every workplace should be free from sexual harassment or discrimination of any kind. All workplaces are required by law to ensure that each and every employee is free from these concerns. Nonetheless, they do happen, and often. Unfortunately, many people fail to understand that sexual harassment comes in a variety of forms, and identifying it is not always easy. […]
On Wednesday, October 15th, fifteen employees from the world’s largest burger chain, McDonald’s, filed charges with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, on behalf of the victims by the Fight for $15 movement, alleging they were all victims of sexual harassment while on the job, in as many as 8 states, including Illinois. From being verbally […]