Although there are endless amounts of employees who are tipped on a monthly basis, many do not understand tipping laws and how they can protect them. the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) specifically provides a section entitled for employees to be protected if they are tipped more than 30 dollars a month. We here at […]
Sexual Harassment In The Workplace: What To Do
In the workplace, sexual harassment should not exist at all, employers are entitled to ensure all employees are free from it. However, sexual harassment cases do occur in the workplace more frequently than you would think. Many people do not understand the warning signs of sexual harassment in the workplace. Maduff & Maduff has some […]
The Employee Sick Leave Act of 2017
When you have a full time working job and many other responsibilities to tend to, it can be expected you may feel under the weather at times. Although some employees were not allowed to have sick leave with pay in the past, they now can in the state of Illinois. The Employee Sick Leave Act […]