Often times, employees are hesitant when it comes to calling out their employer for wrongdoings that they may have been a victim of or witnessed. In these cases, these employees are typically concerned with one thing, and one thing only…retaliation. Whether an employee is working under illegal working conditions, has witnessed the employer engaging in […]
Adverse Actions And Retaliation In The Workplace
From wrongful termination, to discrimination, employees have the potential to become a victim of adverse actions and retaliation in the workplace. Luckily, however, there are many state and federal laws that protect employees from employer retaliation. What Is Retaliation? Retaliation is when an employer takes an adverse action against an employee that negatively affects their employment, but only when […]
Employer Retaliation
In the workplace, employees can be rather hesitant to filing a complaint if their employer is doing something wrong. In most cases, employees are generally fearful of retaliation by their employer. This can happen in many instances, whether it be discrimination, failure to pay overtime, or many other employment law violations, employes are concerned with […]
Understanding Employer Retaliation
Employees are often hesitant when it comes to calling out their employer for doing something wrong by a complaint to management or Human Resources. Most employees are typically concerned with one thing—retaliation by their employer. That same fear of retaliation comes when an employee reports the employer to a regulator like the EEOC (for discrimination), the Department […]