Am I Being Sexually Harassed?

Sexual harassment cases happen fairly often in today’s workplace. And, since sexual harassment can come in a variety of forms, it is critical to understand if you are being sexually harassed or not. What Does Sexual Harassment Look Like? The most common forms of sexual harassment are as follows: Unwelcome sexual advances made by supervisors or co-workers. Requests […]

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Do I Qualify For FMLA?

What Is FMLA? The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal program that was developed for full-time employees that allows them to take time off for specific familial or medical reasons, and allows them to be reinstated in their current position upon their return from their leave. What Is Covered Under FMLA? Under FMLA, eligible […]

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Exempt Employees And The Federal Overtime Law

What Is An Exempt Employee? Most employers are required to pay their employees overtime, according to federal and state laws, however, these laws often times contain exceptions, meaning that some employees are not qualified to receive overtime pay and are considered “exempt” employees. Businesses that have more than $500,000 in sales each year or is considered […]

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