Everyone knows that work is a huge part of our lives, but sometimes there is an event in our personal lives that overshadows all aspects of our professional lives. Usually you need time off to deal with a medical condition, your own or that of or a family member. Sometimes it can be a non-medical […]
Analyzing Severance Agreements
When an employee is terminated, often due to a reduction in force, an employer may offer a severance agreement. While employers are not required to offer severance to employees (unless there is an agreement to do so), it is usually in the company’s interest to get a release. Because the employee is often giving […]
Areas of Issue: Wages and Overtime
Employment laws protect employees from having their employment rights violated. From discrimination to harassment, to the payment of wages, there are many ways an employee’s rights can be taken from them, with the most common being wage and overtime theft. Some people, however, may not recognize when these violations occur to them. In order to […]
How Often Should I Be Receiving My Wage Payments?
When it comes to receiving your earned pay, nothing is more important than understanding when and how you will be receiving your wage payments from your employer. You Must Receive Wage Payments Twice A Month Most employers pay their employees their earned wages biweekly, with the law requiring them to do so, at least twice a month. However, […]