There are several common reasons why employees find themselves encountering wage and hour mistakes during their employment. Often times, these mistakes may constitute costly Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) violations, and possibly entitle these employees to back wages as well as any potential damages. Perhaps the biggest mistake an employer can make is simply by misclassifying […]
A Lawsuit Has Been Filed Challenging The New Alabama Law That Bans Local Governments From Raising The Local Minimum Wage
A group of workers in Birmingham Alabama have challenged a new state law which prohibits local governments, specifically the City of Birmingham, from raising their minimum wages. Birmingham sought to raise its minimum wage to $10.10 per hour by next year in an effort to fight income inequality. Birmingham is about 74% African-American. Plaintiffs assert that […]
The Class action lawsuit, along with the Collective Action lawsuit used in FLSA overtime and wage cases, are critical tools for individuals to be able to vindicate their rights. By taking a small amount of money from a lot of people, a company can make a huge financial difference to its bottom line, without creating […]
What Is Wage Theft?
This common workplace issue is increasingly becoming a problem for employees everywhere. Wage theft may occur when an employee does not receive the incorrect pay or may not be receiving their pay at all. No matter the situation, there is something that can be done about it. What Is Wage Theft? Wage theft is defined as the […]