Often times employees do not understand if they should be receiving overtime pay or not. To help clear things up, the employment attorneys at Maduff & Maduff want to provide you with an understanding of the legal requirements when it comes to overtime pay. At the national level, overtime pay is governed by the Fair Labor […]
The Five Most Common Wage & Hour Questions Answered
When it comes to understanding the complexities of wage and hour laws, people are often left with a variety of questions. In order to provide clarification, the employment attorneys at Maduff & Maduff want to share with you the most common wage and hour questions, and their answers. What are the wage and hour laws? The Fair Labor […]
Tipping Laws And How They Affect You
Most employees working in the service industry will earn more money in the tips they receive, than they will receive in actual wages. It is important, however, that the people who are employed in the service industry understand how tipping works and what the tipping laws are in their particular state are, especially when it comes to ensuring […]
Federal Overtime Law Blocked
December 1, 2016 was supposed to be the day that about 4 million Americans were set to qualify for overtime pay under a new federal rule by the Fair Labor Standards Act. The new overtime law would have doubled the annual salary threshold from $23,660, to $47,476, which determines who qualifies for overtime pay when they work over […]
The New Overtime Law: How It Will Affect You
Effective December 1, 2016, the Department of Labor is enacting a new overtime law in which the Fair Labor Standards Act is being changed, allowing the threshold annual income below which overtime pay is required (assuming all other requirements for overtime pay are satisfied) to rise to $47,500, compared to $23,660, which was the amount […]