Once a job offer has been extended, many applicants are so excited for the opportunity that they don’t understand what exactly they are signing away when signing the employment contract. However, it is always critical for any potential employee to review, understand, and even negotiate employment contracts before making the decision to sign. Here are […]
Understanding The FLSA
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was passed in 1938 in order to establish a national minimum wage, guaranteed overtime to qualified employees, the 40-hour workweek, as well as prevent the employment of minors in “oppressive child labor”. Not only does the FLSA require that an employer pay their employees minimum wage, but they must also pay […]
How An Employment Attorney Can Help Employers Make Tough Decisions
While most employers are able to handle employee situations on their own, there are many occasions when an employment attorney is essential in helping employers make difficult decisions, especially since employment laws are constantly changing. The most common time an employer will seek the help from an employment attorney is during firings, especially when the employee is a […]
Consult With An Employment Attorney Before Signing Your Severance Agreement
In the state of Illinois, an employee’s employment is “at will” and means that an employee can either quit or be fired at any point during their employment. In any of these scenarios, an employee may not receive compensation once employment has been severed, however, many employers will use a severance agreement in order to let the […]
Salaried Employees And Their Rights To Overtime
Often times, employers misconceive the requirements of paying overtime and will neglect to pay salaried employees their deserved overtime pay. While most salaried employees are exempt from overtime, there are situations in which a salaried employee is eligible for overtime pay. In the event that you are an employee who is entitled to overtime pay, your […]
Understanding Sexual Harassment In The Workplace
It is important that every workplace should be free from sexual harassment or discrimination of any type. All workplaces are required by law to ensure that each and every employee is free from these concerns. However, these cases do happen, and often. Sexual harassment comes in many forms, and is not limited to just sexual acts. […]
Understanding Your FMLA Rights
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal program that allows employees to take unpaid time off for eligible reasons, with the ability to be reinstated in their current position upon their return. If an employer has a minimum of 50 employees for a minimum of 20 weeks in the current or previous calendar year, […]
Understanding The Basics Of Tipping
Employees working in the service industry often find themselves earning more money in tips, than they do in wages. However, many of these men and women are not fully aware of their legal rights when it comes to their tips. By making themselves knowledgeable and aware of the basics in regards to tips, tip credits, and […]
Understanding What Employees Are Exempt From The Federal Overtime Law
Most employers are required to pay their employees overtime, according to federal and state laws, however, these laws often times contain exceptions. With these exceptions, some employees are not qualified to receive overtime pay and are considered “exempt” employees. Businesses that have more than $500,000 in sales each year or is considered an “interstate commerce” (a […]
Illinois Enacts The Job Opportunities For Qualified Applicants Act
On July 19th, Illinois’ Governor Quinn approved to enact the Job Opportunities for Qualified Applicants Act. This law, which will take effect on January 1, 2015, has previously been adopted by Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Rhode Island, making Illinois the fifth state to join. The Job Opportunities for Qualified Applicants Act will prohibit private sector employers […]