When you hear the phrase “gender discrimination” you most likely think that only women are affect, however, men are greatly affected as well. Despite the fact that there have been laws set in place to resolve many aspects of gender discrimination, it still occurs to this very day. Men are affected in many of the […]
Understanding All the Forms of Discrimination In The Workplace
Discrimination can come in many forms, especially in the workplace. It is essential for you to know the many forms discrimination can come in your workplace and what you can do about it. Discrimination is prohibited in all aspects of the workplace, whether it occurs in the hiring process, day-to-day work, or termination. It is […]
Understanding Gender Discrimination
Gender discrimination has become a hot topic of conversation lately, especially when it comes to equal pay for men and women. And while both men and women certainly have the ability to be equally as successful, there are still things that women, or men, may experience, often due to outdated perceptions about gender roles, equality, or […]
How Men and Women Are Facing Gender Discrimination In Today’s Workplace
Gender discrimination is not a new concept, as it has been around for quite some time. And while in today’s world, women have the ability to be as equally as successful as men, there are still things that certain genders may experience due to outdated and age old thoughts on gender equality. Men and Women Are […]
Equal Pay for Women: World Cup Champions File An EEOC Charge
Federal Law, Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, require employers to treat male and female employees equally in the workplace, not just in terms of pay, but to all forms of compensation, and terms, conditions or privileges of employment, transfers, or promotions. An employer cannot deny women equal […]
Filing A Discrimination Claim…Here’s What You Need To Know
Discrimination in the workplace can appear in many forms. Whether discrimination was in regards to an employee’s age, sex, race, national origin, color, religion, disability, or sexual orientation, there are a variety of ways discrimination can occur. It is important to know, however, that every employee is protected under state and federal laws in order to prevent […]
Common Types Of Discrimination In The Workplace
Many people know what discrimination means, however, many are often unaware of what this may look like in the workplace. With many different types of workplace discrimination, it is important to know your rights. Here are the most common types of discrimination in the workplace today: Age Discrimination- Employees over the age of 40 are protected under federal […]
Understanding Gender Discrimination
Discrimination on the basis of gender has been around for many years. While in today’s world, women have the ability to be as equally as successful as men, there are still effects that certain genders may experience due to the old thoughts on gender equality. However, women are not only victims of gender discrimination, but men […]